A beautiful timber frame structure to work on!

lots of stuff all around...

thank goodness for 5 gallon buckets!

we start with coco fiber mesh as lathe to span areas that might crack

this project had 36 rounds!

and lots of upside-down areas to plaster

the base coat goes over the Durasol stemwall and Light Clay-Straw walls

a nice pic of the substrates and base plaster layer

my mom joined in for a day of base coat application

somehow I got known to "love upside-down stuff"...
I guess it might be true :)

lots of taping off involved with a frame like this

scratched surface on the base coat

Ingredients for the final coat, how many bags of each do we need?

mixing it up in small batches

applying kaolin-based finish coat over the base coat

detailing those rounds!

and details around each framed opening

The gable ends were conventionally framed and covered with drywall. We primed the surface with latex paint that we added a bunch of coarse sand to. The surface looks like this and you can apply finish coat earth plaster right over it.

my plaster set up

working those gable end details

Finally time for some color! The client chose a light yellow aliz. Iron oxide is the best!


whose that monkey?
I must have climbed up and down that scaffold 100 times!

Joshua prefers to hang out on the tip top of the ladder...
but can he reach the very top?

the final texture is so beautiful

a nicely integrated 'truth window' shows off the plaster layers
What is the base coat made of and could i use lime for the final coat?